Here we list other websites, publications, and organisations connected with early Radar. If you have any additional ideas for inclusion please email us info@radararchive.com. Thank you.

*Currently Under construction*


A good starting point is Purbeck Radar’s Booklist.

Films / Videos / DVDs

See our “Films on DVD” section
The Imperial War Museum have a vast quantity of material, however, their pricing structure can make it prohibitive to research, obtain or use. N.B. Much of the donated material they hold has not been cataloged and therefore not available.

Echoes of the Past – Purbeck Radar.

Organisations & Museums:

Imperial War Museum – Various locations
Defford/Croome Park Radar Museum – Well worth a visit, excellent exhibition and as part of a National Trust property a great place to visit.

Bawdsey Radar – Transmitter Block (Chain Home) currently subject to redevelopment in 2017. Check their website for up to date information.

Private Collections:

Penley Collection – Purbeck Radar